Friday, April 30, 2010

The Baby Bedding Challenge

Having a baby is the most wonderful experience a woman can have as it is a fulfillment of the biological function of the female species. After the giving birth process, the real work begins. Feeding bottles, diaper changes, immunization records are just a few of the things the new mom have to learn quickly. And one important thing to consider in the arrival of the baby is the kind of baby bedding he or she will use. According to Dr. Mark Brandenburg (, the number one rule to follow in choosing the right baby bedding for your precious infant is safety. The second rule says safety and the third rule emphasizes safety. We are to conclude that it is not enough to say it, it must be emphasized that baby bedding is critical for the comfort of the baby.

In his article on how to find the perfect baby bedding, it must be neither too hard nor too soft. In the past, sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS was attributed to very soft baby bedding. This happened when the baby's mattress is too soft that his nose and mouth gets covered and the air he exhales is the air he breathes. This is dangerous for him since he would breath carbon dioxide rather than oxygen and the effects could lead to drowsiness, coma or even death.

There are a lot of styles and makes in choosing the baby's bed. And with that, it follows that the baby bedding must be a perfect fit with the chosen equipment. The three major selections are: a bassinet, a crib or a cradle. What differentiates one from the other? A bassinet is an oblong-shaped basket that serves as a bed for an infant. But sometimes, round bassinets are also available. A crib is a bed that is flanked with high side bars for a baby or young child's safety. Cribs are usually more economical since the baby can use it from infancy to two years. While a cradle is a small low bed that an infant uses that has rockers on its stand. In all these, the material used to make the equipment should alert and signal to the mom how much safety precautions are needed.

Bassinets are usually lacey and full of trimmings. The baby bedding must fit the bassinet so that the baby's space is enough for him or her to be able to roll from side to side. The crib is usually square, thus, mattresses can be fitted to the size of the crib. The baby bedding usually is a set of coverlet and small pillows. Hotdog pillows can also be placed inside. However, the pillows should not be more than two or three lest the baby can stand on them and could fall over. The cradle can come in various sizes and shapes. Some moms prefer cradles so that when the baby is cranky, he or she can be rocked to be calmed down. The baby bedding for a cradle should follow the shape of it. Not much can be placed inside it since it is used mainly to rock the baby to sleep. However, one need not the three to keep the baby safe, warm and secure. One will do and this would depend on the parent's preference. The most preferred would be the crib since it can be used for a long time.

Now that we've covered the basic equipment, how do we furnish it with baby bedding? We have already established that the baby bedding should fit the sleeping equipment to avoid accidents and other untoward incidents. The most suitable material to use is cotton as it is absorbent and cool to the baby's skin. Different designs must be used to stimulate the baby's color and pattern recognition. Therefore, the baby bedding is a crucial factor in keeping the baby happy and healthy.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Baby beanies: The baby toy of all time?

Baby beanies haven't been around that much since they were "born" only in 1994 when Ty Warner introduced the first baby beanies in the market. Not many people know that a baby beanie or more officially known as beanie baby were first made by him. He made the baby beanie to be more lifelike by giving it more air. In other words, there was less stuffing inside each baby beanie. The usual baby toys were stuffed to the hilt and they were stiff. While Ty's beanie baby was half filled with stuffing and half filled with beans. Hence the name beanie baby. Other competitors sneered and said that his toys would not last long. But exactly the opposite is what happened!

Now, the "original nine" as they are officially referred to are the first nine baby beanies Ty Warner made. These are the Spot the dog, Squealer the pig, Patti the platypus, Cubbie the bear, Chocolate the moose, Pinchers the lobster, Splash the killer whale, Legs the frog and Flash the dolphin. Collectors have dubbed them as such since these where the first baby beanies available that were selling at less than $5.00 each. Each baby beanie comes with a short poem to introduce it to the toddler. This was written on a red heart-shaped tag that is attached by the animal's ear.

Not much is known how many baby beanies are totally in existence since there are lines developed that create a family of baby beanies. The most famous is the teddy-bear baby beanie that was created. The basic pattern was just re-used and different colors were utilized to create a family. Different names were given to each teddy bear in keeping with the tradition of having a name. Some teddy bear baby beanies are usually used for commemmorative uses such as in the Fourth of July or there is a Diana, the Princess of Wales have been made as a commemmorative collector's item.

However, the official baby beanies were mostly animal shapes such as cats and pigs, dogs and hippopotamuses. These are usually brightly colored and stylized to make them pleasing in the eye. The official baby beanie comes with his or her own name. It has its own date of birth. And most important of all, a short poem that describes its personality.

The baby beanie crazed happened in the late 1996 when a frenzied collection of baby beanies started. This prompted Ty Warner to retire some of the baby beanies to hype up even more the sales and marketing side of his products. There were people who bought wholesale in anticipation of the possible future value of a single baby beanie. However, as with other fads that easily rise and can be easily forgotten, the baby beanie craze was just another fad that quickly fizzled. Or what the expectation of those "investors" did not materialize at all.

Inspite of what happened, baby beanies are here to stay since babies usually prefer soft toys that they can easily hug and bite and hold easily in their hand. Baby beanies need not be in the same family of baby beanies to be appreciated. A colllection of baby beanies show the kind of personality the baby has or it speaks the kind of personality the giver has.

One Baby Bash Coming Up!!!!

Birthdays are one of the most important events in our lives. This day signifies our arrival in the world and the celebration of it is a commemmoration of that first time we've ever came into the world. Most especially for our precious baby.

Here are some tips to get that baby bash on the roll and be the talk of the baby land for a week or so. One, preparation of the baby bash is extremely important! Create a theme that you would like to follow. Would you like your baby bash to be a sci-fi adventure? Or would you want your baby bash to be a costume party? Or rent even an amusement park complete with the merry-go-round and a clown or two. Whatever you decide, the baby bash needs to be well-thought of to keep it organized as well as the safety of the guests can be assured.

The baby bash depends on the age of the baby. For one year olds, clowns would do so that he or she can facilitate the party since the most important guests would be the little children. Magic shows and puppetry would be sufficient to keep the children interested and satisfied. While for two years old and older, since by this time, they are already mobile and have learned to walk, a costume party or an amusement park theme would be the solution to keep the kids happy. Balloons to keep them preoccupied, cotton candy to keep them busy and lots and lots of kiddie food.

Second, sending out the invites. It seems that babies are conversational pieces. Thus, your network of friends increase since you meet other moms and dads who have babies near your baby's age group. They can become your buddies, swapping babysitting time when you need to unwind and relax. Their kids are your guests in the baby bash and not the parents. Thus, the baby bash must be geared towards the kid's enjoyment.

Third, preparation of the food. Since this is a kiddie party, finger foods should comprise most of your menu. Kids easily tire of food and so small portions must be served at them. If possible, separate the food of the parents with the kids, if the parents were invited.

Sometimes, a baby bash becomes an adult get-together when there are no other babies that could be invited.

Whatever you have decided what the baby bash must be like, keep in mind that the baby's comfort is more important. Sometimes, there are babies who are afraid of clowns. You must have an alternative activity in mind in case this happens.

Fourth, post baby bash activities. After all the food, the favors and trimmings gone, it is time to clean up. The most convenient way to finish all the food left is to ask mothers to take home a portion of the food served. This not only minimizes food spoilage, it would also keep the kids occupied during the drive home, in case they start asking for food. Because there are kids who play all throughout the party and do not pay attention to the food. But once they have settled down, usually during the ride home, then they start to feel hunger pangs. Thus, you would be helping parents keep the kids behaved during the ride home.

Then baby bash need not be a strenuous and nerve-racking activity that moms would rather not plan for. It could also be enjoyable for the parents as well.